Alaska Senate Republican Caucus

The Voice of Common Sense

We are honored to work on behalf of Alaskans across our great state.
The Alaska Senate Republican Caucus is focused on offering practical solutions while ever mindful of policy and budget impacts on individuals and our state’s future.

Press Release

December 3, 2024; Senate Republican Caucus Announces Formation



We are dedicated to

Sustainable Fiscal Plan

We support the recommendations of the 2021 Fiscal Policy Working Group.

Election Integrity

We support repealing Ranked Choice Voting.

Education Performance

We support adequate school funding for classroom instruction while prioritizing academic outcomes.

Healthcare Cost Reduction

We support free market solutions to lower healthcare costs such as direct primary care, eighty-percentile rule change, price comparison consumer incentives.

Get In Touch!

We want to hear from you!

Each one of our offices is ready to speak with you to hear your concerns.

Call us

Visit the Senators' pages for contact numbers.

Location (Session)

120 4th St, Juneau, AK 99801

Location (Interim)

Check Senator pages for interim office locations.

Send Mail to a Minority Caucus Senator

Visit the Senators' pages for e-mail details.